Category Agriculture

Mitigating Global Postharvest Losses: Use of Traditional and Advanced Methods

Mitigating Global Postharvest Losses Use of Traditional and Advanced Methods
Postharvest losses occur when agricultural commodities deteriorate in quantity and quality after harvest. Causes include biological factors, inadequate storage, inefficient transportation, and limited market access. In regions with technological gaps, lack of preservation methods contributes to losses. Economic repercussions impact both small and large-scale farmers...

Smart Irrigation Key Trends: Innovative Growth Drivers 2023

Smart irrigation, a transformative force in the agricultural landscape, is witnessing unprecedented growth driven by a confluence of technological advancements and the pressing need for sustainable water management. As the global population burgeons, exerting increased pressure on water resources, the imperative for efficient irrigation practices has never been more critical.

Decoding Climate-Smart Agriculture: Cultivating a Sustainable Future

In a world where the stakes of food security and climate change are higher than ever before, a new paradigm emerges—one that unites the management of diverse landscapes, from cropland and livestock to forests and fisheries. This integrated approach, known as Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), is not merely a response to these challenges

What is mycorrhiza in agriculture?

ver wondered how plants absorb the water and nutrients they need? Enter mycorrhizal fungi – the hidden helpers or unsung heroes of the plant kingdom, play a crucial role in agriculture by forming symbiotic relationships with plant roots.